Saturday, September 12, 2015

Play-Doh, make a brown color by mixing red and green Play-Doh.

Do you like to know how to make the color brown with Play-Doh?
It is very easy.. Mix the colors red and green and knead them until
you see the color brown coming up.
This is a medium color brown.
If you like a lighter brown color, just add white Play-Doh and knead it again.
If you like a dark brown color just add a little black and mix it.

You should have a look at my video's, it is for free and I show you how to
create different famous characters, like Sponge-Bob,  Dave, the Minion and lot of other
fun creatures made with Play-Doh..
I hope to see you there....This video shows you how to make your own Evil Minion...

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